Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I am convinced everyone in my language class is a spy.  There I said it. Outwardly, they are all too nice.  It’s as though they are all competing in some sick spy game. The winner gets to kidnap the American.  Of course this pessimism has much to do with my New York heritage, but surprisingly there is more factual evidence then just conjecture .   Number 1: This is and always has been the edge of the western world.   Next stop, the former Iron Curtain.  Number 2: Just over 2 decades ago, spy’s and assassins used this part of the world as there private play ground. If there were a stat for spy’s per capita, Germany would have more professional bullshit artists than there are rice paddies in China. To this day, it is no doubt one of the most important junctions where east meets west.  Number 3: The huge volume of international travel going through the airport is probably the most important factor in  supporting my unease.  With governments slicing and dicing budgets faster that Zorro,  spy’s are flying economy more than ever these days.   I bet the majority are even flying with layovers.  It’s cheaper AND more importantly, it gives a great guise for top secret meetings where the micro film can be transferred.

All of my classmates seem to know something that I don’t. I get the feeling they are all watching me, waiting for me to say something personal so they may text their handlers about it.  The other day, the Syrian began asking me where I lived. I gave him nothing. Vague answers leave vague impressions.    I want each spy in my class to suspect that my incredible ability to evade there interrogation techniques can only be because of my own super spy training.  That perhaps I  very well maybe the O.G. spy.   00 times 10.  James Bond’s top secret son ready  and willing to thwart there terrorist plot with a bit of some nationally financed bullshit, and a big huge gun.  When I enter the room, everyone smiles, and says hello to me. Strange.  Those smiling eyes are hiding something damn it.  The Persian I swear is packing more than just pencils in her purse. The Ethiopian is constantly on her IPHONE looking up to see if anyone is watching her.  What’s with the new attractive Ukrainian huh?  She just happened to come into MY class.  I’ve seen the Manchurian Candidate, and Men in Black.  I know full well they have mind altering, mind erasing thing-a-majigies these days!

The danger reached a fever pitch on Wednesday. The Iranian got up to go to the bathroom AT THE SAME time as me.  As I walked down the hall, I could hear her behind me shuffling through her purse looking for the chloroform.  With panther like quickness, I made it to the bathroom drug-free which was a miracle.  I waited 7 whole minutes, and when I exited, guess who was there!  Thank god for the receptionist at the front desk. Her baring witness is the only reason I am not hanging upside down being electro shocked like Riggs in Lethal Weapon. 

Now that I know I am a target, I have been doing my best to brush up on my spying techniques in order to save my own life.  After watching  Tailor, Tinker, Solider, Spy, I can consider myself an official graduate of I-AM-A-BAD-ASS-SPY University.  If you can stay awake, and understand what the hell is going on, than you can be a bad ass spy too.  Watching Cobra while doing pushups has really been a huge help in developing my confidence.  Even though Cobra has no spying in it, the gun fight at the end is one of the finest pieces of gratuitous violence ever in a 1980’s movie. In honor of Sly and my new found confidence, I now carry a knife with me at all times. Though it’s only a butter knife, it still feels good.  These movies have been essential to my spy training, but most importantly, I try to look mean as hell. I’m talking crack head violent mean.   That seems to at least rattle the elderly Polish lady with the liar eyes.

After today’s class, I believe my teacher is working for British intelligence.  What is a Polish-German women doing eating Cadbury chocolate eggs in May? The distinctive manner in which she rattled off the pages and exercise lessons  for homework leads me to believe  she was speaking in some sort of code.  Friendly? Doubtful.  I now suspect the receptionist maybe working for the Romanians, or maybe the Romulons. The only reason she prevented the Iranian from putting me to sleep, rolling me up in a carpet and throwing me in the back of some van, is because she wants to torture me herself. Who knows? Perhaps all of this is just a lie, a fantasy concocted from a mind filled with too many hours of cable TV.   Perhaps the blue van parked outside for the last 36 hours is just a construction crew doing some work. Perhaps this weird eye twitch I’ve had for the last 12 hours is NOT the after effects of sodium pentothal being slipped into my water bottle.  Perhaps.